->> Notched Scimitar <<-


A Wonderful World?

What is out there, really? As I stand here and look out across the plains, the horizons doesn't give me much of an answer.

My morning hike among the hills did not follow any trails, nor any predetermined course. I just walked. And whether it was subconscious or through divine intervention, I am brought to this cliff edge. Brought to this contemplation. Brought to this big jump before the world. All my training and apprenticeship has geared me towards this. And the coming of age ceremony to be held soon will be the final jump I make.

Upon making that jump, no more will I be sheltered. I will be left to fend for myself.

I hope for a wonderful world indeed over the horizon. But I carry no such illusions with me. Although how many thorns and how many roses there will be, I know not.

I guess I will need to learn for myself.